الصفحة الرئيسية
مقتنيات اللوفر أبوظبي
مجموعة مقتنيات اللوفر
إظهار الفلاتر
إظهار الفلاتر
العنوان (أ-ي)
مشاركة النتائج
الفلاتر المفعلة
إظهار فقط
بعض الأعمال المُستعارة
الاقتناءات الأخيرة
المدى الزمني
(1762 -1819)
(488-496, 499-531) قباذ الأول
(813-833) المأمون
(r. 309-379) شاپور الثاني
(r. 531-579) كِسرى الأول
(r. 579-590) هرمزد الرابع
(r. 591-628) كِسرى الثاني
(r. 649-656; 661-664) عبد الله بن عامر
(r. 665-675) زياد بن أبي سفيان
(r. 672-679) عبيد الله بن زياد
(r. 677) الحكم بن أبي العاص
(r. 679-692) عبد الله بن الزبير
(r. 684-689) عمر بن عبيد الله
(r. 687-699) قطري بن الفجاءة
(r. 690-691) مقاتل بن مسمع
(r. 692-696) أمية بن عبدالله
(r. 694-697) المهلب بن أبي صفرة
(r. 694-713) الحجاج بن يوسف
(r. 712-728) فاروخان
(r. 749-754) السفاح
(r. 754-775) المنصور
(r. 771-780) عمر بن العلاء
(r. 775-785) المهدي
(r. 785-786) الهادي
(r. 786-809) الرشيد
(r. 809-813) الأمين
(r. 842-847) الواثق
(r. 847-861) المتوكل
(r. 866-869) المعتز بالله
(r. 892-902) المعتضد
(r. 902-908) المكتفي
(r. 908-932) المقتدر
(r. 932-934) القاهر
(r. 934-940) الراضي
(r. 943-954) نوح بن نصر
(r. 945-967) معز الدولة
(r.590-591) بهرام السادس
(r.632-651) يزدجرد الثالث
740-761 (?) خورشيد (?)
pzwt (?)
r. 459-484 فيروز
آي ويوي
أبيل غريمير (1570-1620)
أحمد بن الجندي، أحد القيادات في عهد السلطان المملوكي الناصر بن قلاوون
أرنست بينيك (1817-1894)
أشيل (؟) هرمنسرايت
ألبيرت فولب
ألف والاندر (1862-1914)
ألفريد سيسلي (1839-1899)
ألكسندر كالدر (1898-1976)
أنتيمينيس (رسام خزف في أثينا)
أندريا ديلا روبيا (1435-1525)
أنطوان فشت (1799-1868)
أوتاغاوا هيروشيغه (1797-1858)
أوجين كوفليي (1837-1900)
أورازيو سكوبا
أوغست رودان (1840-1917)
إدوارد بورن جونز
إدوارد مانيه (1832 -1883)
إدوارد ويليام جودوين (1833-1886)
إكوين فوغاي (1568-1654)
إل سيد
إيزودا كوريوساي (1735-1790)
إيف كلاين (1928-1962)
إيميل-أوغست ريبير (1826-1893)
اسم الخليفة غير مذكور (في عهد الواثق)
افينيتوس (?-345 BCE)
المبشر بن فاتك
انجل اوريتز LA II
اوتاغاوا تويوكوني (1769-1825)
ايوا شجيجيروبي مونسوكي
بابلو بيكاسو (1881-1973)
بارتولومه إستبان موريو (1617-1682)
برناردينو دي بورفيريو دا ليتشو
برنهارد بانكوك (1872 -1943 )
برنهارد شتريغل (1461-1528)
بوئثيوس (480-524)
بول غوغان (1848-1903)
بول كليه (1879-1940)
بومبيو بونديني (1828-1893)
بيتر كوك فان إيلست (1502-1550)
بيتروس أبيانوس (1495-1552)
بيدروس بارونيان
بيرنار الثاني فان رايزن بيرغ (1696-1766)
بييت موندريان (1872-1944)
بيير أوغست رينوار (1841-1919)
بيير بارباتر (1425-?)
بيير مازلين (1632-1708)
بيير-إميل لوغران (1889-1929)
تسوكادا شوكيو (1848-1918)
توري إنجي (1721-1792)
توري كيوتسوني (1757 -1779)
توري كيوميتسو (1735-1785)
تيتوس ليفيوس (59 BCE-17 CE)
ثيودور ديك (1823-1891)
ثيودور شاسيريو (1819-1856)
جاك إميل روهلمان (1879-1933)
جاكوب دي بيكر (1555-1585)
جاكوبو باسانو (1510-1592)
جاكومو دا بيزارو (?-1547)
جان كور فيجيه (?-1614)
جان آرمان فالو
جان أوغست دومينيك آنغر ( 1780-1867)
جان الثالث دي في
جان دي مونغ
جان هونوريه فراغونار (1732-1806)
جان-شارل-نيكولا براشار المعروف ببراشار الأكبر (1782-1824)
جو جاستر
جورج دي لاتور
جورج ويلسون بريدجيس (1788-1863)
جورجيو فاساري (1511-1574)
جوزيف ألبرز (1888-1976)
جوزيف بروكارد (1831-1896)
جوزيف هوسزفيلد (1883-1928 )
جوزيف هولي
جوزيف فيليبير جيرولد دي برانجي (1804-1892)
جوزيف هوفمان (1870-1956)
جوشو ميوجين
جوفاني بيليني (1430-1516)
جون تانغلي (1925-1991)
جون إتيان ليوتار (1702-1789)
جون باتيست بيلمنت (1728-1808)
جون بيشور
جون دوترميز
جون فرانسوا دي تروي (1679-1752)
جون كورت (1530-1585)
جون كورنو (1650-1710)
جون ماندفيل
جون-باتيست بيلان دو فونتوني (1653-1715)
جون-باتيست مونواييه (1636-1699)
جي-لوي فرنانزال (1648-1729)
جيريمي بلوم
جيني هولزر
جيون أونكو (1718-1804)
حسن شريف (1951-2016)
حمدان (؟)
خوسيه دي ريبيرا (1591-1652)
داس كيسو (1570-1602)
دانكن ويلي
دوسو دوسي (1489/1490-1542)
ديسقوريدوس (40 -90 )
رامبرانت فان راين (1606-1669)
رامين حائري زاده، ركني حائري زاده، وحسام رحمانيان
راينهولد فون در رينين (?-1626)
رسام ديترويت
روبرت ديلوناي (1885-1941)
روجر فنتون (1819-1869)
روجيه ليونار (1644-1694)
ريغال لويس بيير (1888-1955)
رينيه ماغريت (1898 -1967)
سانكي كينج
سوزوكي هارونوبو (1725-1770)
سي تومبلي (1928-2011)
سيد حيدر رضا
شارل لوبران (1619-1690)
شوبونزاي ايشي (1756-1829)
عبد العزيز بن عبدالله
عبد الملك بن عبدالله
عثمان حمدي بيك (1842-1910)
علي أبو شدّاد
عمر با
غلبرت ستيوارت (1755-1828)
غوستاف كايبوت (1848-1894)
غوستاف لو غراي (1820-1884)
غيوم دي تينيونفيل (?-1414)
غيوم دي لوريس
فرانتيشيك كوبكا (1871-1957)
فرانز فلوريس (1519-1570)
فرانسيس كوتس (1726-1770)
فرانشيسكو ترايني
فريد باسنجر (1864-1935)
فقیر زارین رقم
فيرمين يوجين لو ديين (1817-1865)
فيسكونتي ماجولو (1476-1531)
فيليب بيهاغل (1641-1705)
فيليكس بونفيس
فيليكس تينار (1817-1892)
فيليكس فالوتون (1865-1925)
فيليم فريلانت
فينشنزو كورونيللي (1650-1718)
قائم محمد بن عيسى
كاتسوشيكا هوكوساي (1760-1849)
كاتسوكاوا شونكو (1743-1812)
كازو شيراغا (1924-2008)
كاميل كورو (1796-1875)
كانو تان يو (1602-1674)
كانوفا أنتونيو (1757-1822)
كريستوفر دريسر (1834-1904)
كريستوفل وشركاه
كلود مونيه (1840-1926)
كوبو شونمان (1757-1820)
كوكان ميويو (1653-1717)
كولومان موسر (1868-1918)
كيتاجاوا أوتامارو (1753-1806)
كيث هارينغ
لارس كينسارفيك (1846-1925)
لطفي عبد الله
لوران دو لا هير (1606-1656)
لورينزو فاكارو (1655-1706)
لوكا جیوردانو (1632-1705)
لويس جان فرانسوا لاغرينه (1724-1805)
ﻟﻭﻴﺱ ﺩﻱ ﻜﻠﻴﺭﻙ (1836-1901)
لويس ويكس هاين (1874-1940)
مارك شاغال (1887-1985)
ماستر جونان من روان
مان راي (1890-1976)
محمد أحمد إبراهيم
محمد بن أحمد البطوطي (1128-1170)
محمد علي
مستنسخ (للمخطوطات)
مصطفى بن فالي
مصطفى ضرير
معلم بويس
منير فاطمي
مها الملوح
نصير الدين الطوسي
هاكوين إيكاكو (1685-1768)
هانس هولباين الشاب (1497-1543)
هنري فان دو فيلد (1863-1957 )
هنري دوركوفو
هيرونيموس باولي من لينبرغ
والكر إيفانز (1903-1975)
وليام دي مورغان (1839-1917)
ويفردو لام (1902-1982)
ويليام هنري فوكس تالبوت (1800-1877)
ويليم دي كوننغ
ويليم كالف
يان بي-مينغ
يعقوب جوردانس (1593-1678)
ينسب إلى ورشة "النزول من الصليب" في تيفولي
يو زيدينغ (1647-1716)
يوهان برجرسن (1853-1930)
يوهان هاينريش شونفيلد (1609-1684)
أثاث جنائزي
أداة علمية (للقياس، للحساب، للملاحظة)
أدوات ومعدات
أسلحة، معدات عسكرية
التصوير الضوئي
الفنون التشكيلية (الرسم، التصوير، النقش، فن الخط)
المستلزمات الشخصية
حاويات، قنينات، آنية
صياغة الذهب أو الفضة
عمل تركيبي
عملات، ميداليات
عناصر معمارية
قطع ذات استخدام طقسي
قطعة ذات استخدام ديني
قطعة غير محددة الاستخدام
وسائط متعددة
وسيلة إضاءة
الفترة الفنية
Abbasid Dynasty (750-1258)
Abbasids of Tabaristan (759-?)
Aghlabid Dynasty (800-909)
Arab-Sasanian (651-794)
Buyid Dynasty
Contemporary (19th-21st ca.)
Governor of Tudge (789-926)
Idrisid Dynasty (789-921)
Middle Ages
Modern times (16th-18th ca.)
Samanid Dynasty (819-1005)
Sasanian Dynasty (224-651)
Umayyad Dynasty (755-1031)
دور الفنان
enamel worker
metal craftsman / bronze worker
Antwerp, Belgium
Dakar, Senegal and Geneva, Switzerland
discovery place: Susa, Iran
discovery place: Tanis = San el-Hagar (Lower Egypt, Eastern Delta)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Egypt ; Syria (?)
Jingdezhen kilns
mint workshop: BYS
mint workshop: GD
mint workshop: HYLAN
mint workshop: KL
mint workshop: LY
mint workshop: LYT
mint workshop: MY
mint workshop: PYL
mint workshop: SY
mint workshop: WYH
Oceania, Micronesia, Marshall Islands
Paris, France
probably Manises, Valencia
production place: Edo peoples, Nigeria, formerly Court of Benin
production place: Eran-asan-kar-Kavad (possibly Hulwan, Iran)
production place: Syracuse, Sicily, Italy
production place: Abarsahr, Nishapur, Iran
production place: Abarshahr, Nishapur, Iran
production place: Abu Dhabi
production place: Agra area, Mughal India
production place: Agra, Inde
production place: Ain Ghazal, Jordan
production place: Al Kufa
production place: Al-Abbasiyah, North Iraq
production place: Al-Ahwaz, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: al-Andalus (present day Spain)
production place: al-Hashimiyah, Iraq
production place: Al-Jazira (Northern Syria and North-West Iraq)
production place: al-Khufah, Iraq (Kufa)
production place: al-Khufah, Iraq (Kufa)
production place: Al-Mawṣil (Mosul), Iraq
production place: Al-Mubâraka
production place: al-Rafiqah (present day Raqqa), Syria
production place: al-Samiyah
production place: al-Shash, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
production place: Al-Taymarah, Iran
production place: al-Yamamah (?), Saudi Arabia
production place: Alexandria, Egypt
production place: Allahabad (?), India
production place: Amdarat (?)
production place: Amphipolis, Greece
production place: Amsterdam, Netherlands
production place: Amul, Iran (?)
production place: Ancient Greek World
production place: Ancient Kingdom of Benin (Nigeria)
production place: Andalusia (?), Spain
production place: Andhra Pradesh, India
production place: Antalya, Turkey
production place: Antioch, Turkey
production place: Antwerp, Belgium
production place: Antwerp, Flanders
production place: Arabian Peninsula
production place: Ardabil, Adurbadgan, Azarbaijan
production place: Ardashir-Khurrah (present day Firuzabad), Iran
production place: Ardashir-Khurrah (present day Firuzabad), Iran
production place: Ardashir-Khurrah (present day Firuzabad), Iran ART
production place: Armenia
production place: Armenia
production place: Arran
production place: Arrān
production place: Aswan, Egypt
production place: Athens, Greece
production place: Athens, Greece
production place: Ault Pottery, United Kingdom
production place: Aurangabad (?), Deccan, India
production place: Azerbaijan or Iran
production place: Bactria (present day Balkh), Afghanistan
production place: Bactria (present day Balkh), Afghanistan
production place: Bactria, Central Asia
production place: Baga Culture, Republic of Guinea
production place: Baghdad (?), Iraq
production place: Baghdad, Iraq
production place: Baghdad, Iraq
production place: Balkh, Afghanistan
production place: Balkh, Bactria
production place: Bamana Culture, Mali
production place: Basra, Iraq
production place: Basra, Iraq
production place: Beijing, China and Berlin, Germany
production place: Bengal, India
production place: Berne, Switzerland
production place: Bikaner or Deccan, India
production place: Bikaner, India
production place: Bimont Church, Beauville, France
production place: Bisapur, Fars, Iran
production place: Bisapur, Fars, Iran
production place: Bruges (?), Flanders, Belgium
production place: Bruges, Belgium
production place: Brussels (?), Flanders
production place: Brussels, Belgium
production place: Bukhara, Uzbekistan
production place: Bundi style, Chunar, India
production place: Bundi, India
production place: Cairo, Egypt
production place: Cairo, Egypt
production place: Cairo, Egypt
production place: Cambodia, Angkor period, Style of Pre Rup
production place: Cambodia, Kulen style
production place: Carthage, Tunisia
production place: Cavally Region, Ivory Coast
production place: Central Asia
production place: Central Asia or Tibet
production place: Central Italy
production place: China
production place: China
production place: China
production place: China , Qing dynasty
production place: China , Qing dynasty
production place: Colonia Patricia, Spain
production place: Constantinople (today Istanbul, Turkey)
production place: Constantinople (today Istanbul, Turkey)
production place: Constantinople, Turkey
production place: Corinth (?), Greece
production place: Cuba
production place: Cyprus
production place: Cyzicus, Turkey
production place: Dakar, Senegal and Geneva, Switzerland
production place: Damascus (?), Syria
production place: Damascus, Syria
production place: Damascus, Syria
production place: Dan Culture, Ivory Coast
production place: Danzig, current Poland
production place: Darabdjird (present day Darab), Fars, Iran
production place: Dastawâ, Iran
production place: Deir el-Medina (?), Egypt
production place: Delhi, India
production place: Democratic Republic of the Congo
production place: Dijon, France
production place: Djennenke or Soninke culture Mali
production place: Domagnano, San Marino, Italian peninsula
production place: Dordogne (?), France
production place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
production place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
production place: Easter Island, Chile
production place: Eastern India
production place: Eastern Iran or Central Asia
production place: Edo (now Tokyo), Japan
production place: Egypt
production place: Egypt
production place: Egypt or Syria
production place: Emesa, Syria
production place: Ephesus, Turkey
production place: Eran-asan-kar-Kavad (possibly Hulwan, Iran)
production place: Erran-Khvarrah-Shabuhr (present day Khuzistan,Iran)
production place: Erzerum, Armenia
production place: Fars, Iran
production place: Fez (?), Meknes or Damascus (?), Syria
production place: Fez, Morocco
production place: Fiji, Oceania
production place: Flanders (today Northern France, Belgium and the Netherlands)
production place: Florence, Italy
production place: Florence, Italy
production place: Florence, Italy (?)
production place: Fontainebleau, France
production place: France
production place: France
production place: France or India
production place: France or Rhineland (?)
production place: France, Paris
production place: Gabon
production place: Gandhara, Pakistan
production place: Genoa, Italy
production place: Genoa, Italy
production place: Genoa, Italy
production place: Germany
production place: Germany (?)
production place: Germany (Bavaria) or Austria
production place: Ghana
production place: Ghent/Brussels, Flanders
production place: Giza, Egypt
production place: Goa (?), India
production place: Gondeshapur, present day in Iran (?)
production place: Granada, Spain
production place: Greece
production place: Greece or Italy
production place: Gujarat, India
production place: Guler, India
production place: Gundeshapur, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Gurgan or Qom, Iran
production place: Hall, Austria or Dresde, Germany
production place: Hamadan, Iran
production place: Hamadan, Iran
production place: Hardanger, Norway
production place: Harran, Turkey
production place: Harunabad
production place: Haruniyah
production place: Herat, Afghanistan
production place: Hierakonpolis (?), Egypt
production place: High Wycombe (?), Buckinghamshire and London, United Kingdom
production place: Holy Roman Empire
production place: Hukin & Heath, Birmingham and London, United Kingdom
production place: Ifriqiya, modern day North Africa
production place: Ifriqiya, Tunisia
production place: Ilkhanid Iran or Iraq
production place: Imperial porcelain Manufactory, Sèvres, France
production place: India
production place: India, Mughal empire
production place: India, Mysore or Madurai
production place: Indre-et-Loire, France
production place: Ingolstadt, Germany
production place: Iran
production place: Iran
production place: Iran
production place: Iran or central Asia
production place: Iran or Central Asia
production place: Iran or Iraq
production place: Iraq
production place: Iraq
production place: Iraq or Syria
production place: Isarda, Rajasthan, India
production place: Isfahan, Iran
production place: Isfahan, Safavid Persia
production place: Istakhr
production place: Istakhr, Fars, Iran
production place: Istanbul (?), Turkey
production place: Istanbul, Turkey
production place: Istanbul, Turkey
production place: Italy
production place: Italy
production place: Iznik, Turkey
production place: Iznik, Turkey
production place: Jaipur, India
production place: James Dixon & Sons Factory, Sheffield, United Kingdom
production place: Japan
production place: Japan
production place: Jayy or Gay (present day Isfahan), Iran
production place: Jazira, Iraq and Syria
production place: Jerusalem
production place: Jodhpur, India
production place: Johannesburg, South Africa and London, United Kingdom
production place: Kanak Culture, New Caledonia
production place: Kangra, India
production place: Karachi, Pakistan
production place: Karnakata or Andhra Pradresh, India
production place: Kashan, Iran
production place: Kashan, Iran
production place: Kazan (?), Russia
production place: Kerman, Iran
production place: Kerman, Iran (?)
production place: Khusrau-Shâdh Hurmuz, Iran
production place: Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Kishangarh, India
production place: Kotah, India
production place: Kotah, Rajasthan, India
production place: Kushan empire Pakistan, Gandhara, Swat Valley (?)
production place: Kutch, India
production place: Kyoto, Japan
production place: Lahore, Pakistan
production place: Laramenra (?)
production place: Le Perreux-sur-Marne, France
production place: Levant or North Africa
production place: Lille and Paris, France
production place: Limoges, France
production place: Linthorpe Art Pottery, United Kingdom
production place: London, England
production place: London, United Kingdom
production place: London, United Kingdom
production place: Lorestan, Iran
production place: Luxor, Egypt
production place: Ma'din Bajunays, Armenia
production place: Madinat Al-Salam (present day Baghdad), Iraq
production place: Mah al-Basra, Hamdan, Iran
production place: Mah, Media, Iran
production place: Mah, Media, Iran
production place: Mahi, Iran
production place: Manises, Spain
production place: Manohar, Mewar, India
production place: Manufacture Royale des Gobelins, Paris, France
production place: Manufacture Royale des Gobelins, Paris, France
production place: Maragheh, Iran?
production place: Marches, Italy
production place: Mardin, Turkey
production place: Marés̲h̲a
production place: Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia
production place: Mary, Turkmenistan
production place: Meknès (?), Morocco (?), North Africa
production place: Meshan, Iraq
production place: Meshan, Iraq
production place: Metz, France
production place: Mewar (?), India
production place: Mewar (Deccan influence), Rajasthan, India
production place: Mewar, Devgarh, India
production place: Mewar, India
production place: Minton pottery factory, United Kingdom
production place: Mogul school, India
production place: Mongolia or China
production place: Moscow (?), Russia
production place: Mughal Dynasty, India ; Kabul, Afghanistan
production place: Mughal India
production place: Mughal India
production place: Mughal school, India
production place: Muhammadiyya, al- (archaic), Ray, Iran
production place: Murshidabad, India
production place: Nahr Tira
production place: Nalu or Baga Culture, Republic of Guinea
production place: Naples, Italy
production place: Nathdwara, India
production place: Nawanagar, Kathiawar, India
production place: Near East or North Africa
production place: Nepal
production place: Netherlands
production place: New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
production place: New York, United States
production place: New York, United States
production place: New Zealand
production place: Nicomedia, Turkey
production place: Nishapur, Iran
production place: Nishapur, Iran
production place: Nisibis (present day Nusaybin), Mardin, Turkey
production place: North Africa
production place: North India
production place: North Kanto, Japan
production place: Northern China
production place: Northern China
production place: Northern Germany
production place: Northern India, Mathura Region
production place: Northern India, Rajasthan (?)
production place: Northern Italy
production place: Northern Italy
production place: Ohrmazd-Ardakshir (present day Ahwaz, Iran)
production place: Ohrmazd-Ardakshir (present day Ahwaz, Iran)
production place: Oslo, Norway
production place: Ottoman Turkey
production place: Paestum, Italy
production place: Pahari School, Kangra (?), India
production place: Paris and Saint-Denis, France
production place: Paris ou Antibes, France
production place: Paris, France
production place: Paris, France
production place: Paris, France and New York, United States
production place: Pella, Greece
production place: Pennsylvania, United States
production place: Picardy, France
production place: Pirozgird (?), Iran
production place: Pirozgird (?), Iran
production place: Pompeii, Italy
production place: Pont-Aven, France
production place: Possagno, Italy
production place: Pratapgarh (?), India
production place: Probably Madinat Al Zahra, Cordoba, Spain
production place: probably Medinat al-Zahra’, Cordoba, Spain
production place: Probably Mosul, Iraq
production place: probably Tournai, Southern Netherlands
production place: Punjab, India
production place: Punu Culture, Gabon
production place: Puteaux, France
production place: Qasr Al-Salam, Baghdad, Iraq
production place: Qazwin (?), Iran
production place: Ra's al-ayn, Syria
production place: Ram-Ohrmazd, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Râmhurmuz, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Ray, Iran
production place: Ray, Iran
production place: Reims, France
production place: Rev-Ardakhshir, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Rev-Ardakhshir, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
production place: Roman Empire
production place: Rome (?), Italy
production place: Rome, Italy
production place: Rome, Italy
production place: Rörstrand porcelain, Sweden
production place: Royal porcelain Manufactory, Sèvres, France
production place: Royal Tapestry Manufactory, Beauvais, France
production place: rran-Khvarrah-Shabuhr (present day Khuzistan,Iran)
production place: Sabur, Fars, Iran
production place: Safavid Dynasty; Herat, Afghanistan
production place: Safavid Dynasty; Iran
production place: Safavid Dynasty; Isfahan, Iran
production place: Safavid Dynasty; Qazvin, Iran
production place: Safavid Dynasty; Shiraz, Iran
production place: Safavid Iran
production place: Sakastan (present day Sistan), Iran
production place: Samarqand, Uzbekistan
production place: Samarra, Iraq
production place: Sana, Yemen
production place: Sana'a, Yemen
production place: Sardis, Turkey
production place: Sarmin, Syria
production place: School of Lucknow, India
production place: Scotland, United Kingdom
production place: Seville, Spain
production place: Shanxi Province, China
production place: Shiraz (?), Iran
production place: Shiraz (?), Iran
production place: Shiraz, Iran (?)
production place: Sierra Leone
production place: Sijistan, Afghanistan
production place: Sirohi (?), Rajasthan, India
production place: Sirohi, India
production place: Siscia, Croatia
production place: Sitamau, Madhya Pradesh, India
production place: Solomon Islands, Melanesia
production place: South Iraq
production place: Southern France (?)
production place: Southern Italian Peninsula, probably Palermo, Sicily
production place: Southern Netherlands or Brussels (?)
production place: Spain or Southern Italy
production place: Strasbourg, France
production place: Suq al-Ahwaz, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Surraq, Khuzistan, Iran
production place: Susa, Iran (?)
production place: Swabia, Germany
production place: Swabia, Germany
production place: Switzerland
production place: Syria
production place: Syria or Egypt
production place: Tabriz
production place: Tamil Nadu, India
production place: Tamil Nadu, South India
production place: Tartu, Estonia (?)
production place: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
production place: Trier, Germany
production place: Tripoli, Lebanon
production place: Tripoli, Lebanon
production place: Tudga (?)
production place: Turin, Italy
production place: Turkey
production place: Turkey, Aq-Qoyunlu or Ottoman
production place: Turkey, Iznik
production place: Udaipur, India
production place: United Arab Emirates
production place: United Kingdom
production place: United Kingdom (?)
production place: United Kingdom or France (?)
production place: United States
production place: United States of America
production place: Ushak, Turkey
production place: Uzbek Dynasty; Bukhara
production place: Uzbek Dynasty; Herat or Bukhara, Mughal India
production place: Valley of the Kings, Egypt
production place: Veh-Ardashir, Iraq (?)
production place: Veh-az-Amid-Kavad, Fars, Iran (?)
production place: Venice or Mantova, Italy
production place: Venice, Italy
production place: Venice, Italy
production place: Venice, Italy
production place: Venice, Italy
production place: Venice, Italy Republic of Venice
production place: Venice, Italy / Limoges, France
production place: Vereinigte Werkstätte für Kunst im Handwerk, Munich, Germany
production place: Verona, Italy
production place: Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt
production place: Walila (?)
production place: Wasit, Iraq
production place: Wiener Werkstätte, Vienna, Austria
production place: Workshop of Euainetos, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy
production place: Workshop unreadable
production place: Yazd, Iran
production place: Yukon River, Anvik region, Alaska
production place: Zaranj, Sijistan, Afghanistan
production place: Ziwiye, Iran
acrylic on canvas
acrylic on paper
acrylic, gesso, binder and collage on printed canvas
acrylic, gesso, ink, binder and collage on canvas
alabaster, bronze
albumen print
albumen print from a collodion glass plate negative
albumen print from a collodion negative
albumen print from a paper negative
black and gold lacquered wood inlaid with mother of pearl, gilded copper mounts
black stone
blown and enamelled glass
blown glass, enamelled and gilded decoration
blown, enamelled and gilded glass
blue faience
brass with silver inlays
brass, gold and silver inlay
brass, leather case
bronze and copper patinated, painted decoration, moulded, engraved, and inlaid motifs
bronze inlaid with silver
bronze, iron ring
bronze, stainless steel
bronze, traces of gold leaf, glass inlay
brush drawing and colours on paper
brush drawing and watercolour on paper
brush drawing on paper
brush drawing with brown and grey wash with white and colours highlights on paper
brush drawing with colour on paper
brush drawing with ink and watercolour on paper
brush drawing with some colour on paper
brush drawing with wash laid down on an indian album page
brush drawing with watercolour on paper
brush drawing, black and red ink on paper
brush drawing, opaque watercolour highlights on paper
brush drawing, wash and colours on paper
carved and painted wood
carved oak
carved, painted and gilded wood
cast and engraved brass with silver studs
cast brass with engraved decoration
cast copper inlaid with gold and silver
ceramic glaze with metallic glints
ceramic glaze with painted decoration
ceramic overglaze
ceramic with blue glaze, enamel colours and leaf gilding
ceramic with painted underglaze, openwork
ceramic with underglaze and polychrome decoration
ceramic, lustreware decoration
ceramic, painted and glazed decoration
ceramic, with underglaze slip decoration
chalcedony, within a mid-16th-century enameled gold mount with arabesques
chased and damascened silver, bronze, iron, 52 eighteenth-century intaglios
chlorite, calcite
coated salt print from a paper negative
coaxial antenna cable, staples
cobalt blue painting and copper lustre
coconut fibres woven over a wooden structure
colored and engraved paper, wood, iron, brass
coloured drawing on paper
copper alloy
copper alloy, silver
copper alloy, silver, gold
copper gilt, chased enamel
copper gilt, semiprecious stones
copper, enamel (champlevé)
drawing on paper
elephant ivory
elephant ivory and polychromy
embossed iron, silk, gold, lacquer
enamelled ceramic
faience with dark and light blue glaze
faience with painted overglaze
ferrous and copper alloy, silk velvet, leather
gelatin silver print
gilded bronze
gilded schist, gold, silver, crystal, coral, glass
gilt bronze
glass, metal
glazed ceramic
glazed earthenware mosaic
glazed porcelain
gold and enamel
gold and opaque pigments on paper
gold covered steel, rubies and emeralds
gold ink on paper
gold on dyed parchment
gold, garnets
gold, jade
gold, rubies, emeralds, rock crystal, steel, pearl
gouache and watercolour over a pencil drawing on parchment
gouache on paper
gouache with gold highlights on paper
grisaille painted enamel on copper
hard-paste porcelain
illuminated manuscript on parchment, 364 folios
illuminated manuscript on parchment, single-column frontispiece; ink and gouache on parchment, highlights of gold
indian ink on paper
ink and acrylic on fiberglass
ink and colour on paper
ink and colour on paper, silk thread, pearl
ink and colour on paper; woodblock print
ink and colours on paper
ink and colours on parchment with gold highlights
ink and colours on silk
ink and gold on paper
ink and gold on parchment
ink and gouache on palm leaves
ink and paint on paper
ink gold and opaque pigments on paper
ink on paper
ink on paper, leather
ink on parchment
ink on parchment, gold highlights
ink, colored pigments and gold on paper
ink, colors and gold on paper
ink, colors and gold on paper, leather binding
ink, colour and gold on paper
ink, colours and gold highlights on parchment
ink, colours and gold on paper
ink, colours and gold on paper, lacquered wood, metal
ink, colours, gold and gold leaf on paper
ink, gold and opaque pigments on paper
ink, opaque pigments and gold on paper
ink, opaque pigments and gold on paper.
ink, opaque watercolour and gold on paper
ink, parchment, gilt copper alloy; illuminated parchment with 145 folios, original binding, red velvet cover on wooden boards with metal fasteners.
iron decorated with inlaid damascened silver; fragments of paper
iron, gold foil
iron, sabi-nuri lacquered iron, black lacquered iron hon kozane, gilt copper, lacquered wood, figured silk with gold thread
iron, textile, copper, gold, wood, lacquerware, leather
ivory and steel
ivory on wood frame
jade inlaid with gold and precious stones, steel
lacquer, iron, rope
lacquered wood, plywood, and softwood, inside; and shelves in beech veneer
lacquered wood, silver and gold
lathed and carved ivory, velvet casket
lightly coated salt print from two negatives, one paper, one glass
lost wax casting ; bronze
lost wax casting; bronze
low relief; sandstone
lustreware ceramic
manuscript on vellum
manuscript with polished paper, 256 leaves
marble encrusted with semi-precious stones
marble, multicoloured limestone, slate
metal rods, painted wood
metal, tricycle, wheels, orange juicer, bucket, wood, motor, fabric, wire
mother-of-pearl ewer, gilt copper mounting, encrusted with turquoises and garnets
negative paper (calotype)
oak frame, chinese lacquer veneer, gilt bronze, green marble campan top
oil on canvas
oil on fibreboard
oil on oak panel
oil on panel
oil on wood
oil paint and tempera on paper glued to burlap
oil paint, crayon, india ink, gouache on corrugated cardboard
oil, pencil, india ink, gouache paint applied on corrugated cardboard
opaque pigments and gold on paper
opaque pigments and gold on paper.
opaque pigments, ink and gold on paper
opaque pigments, silver and gold on paper
opaque watercolour and gold highlights on paper
opaque watercolour and gold on paper
opaque watercolour and watercolour on paper
opaque watercolour on english laid paper
opaque watercolour on paper
opaque watercolour with gold and silver highlights on paper
opaque watercolour with gold highlights and seed pearls on paper
opaque watercolour with gold highlights on paper
opaque watercolour with gold highlights on stiffened cloth
opaque watercolour with gold highlights over mica on paper
opaque watercolour with gold on paper
opaque watercolour with gold on paper; brush drawing with wash and some colour
opaque watercolour, ink and gold on paper
painted faience
painted paper, gouache and india ink on cardboard
painted terracotta
painted wood
paper with gold and polychrome illumination
paper, gouache, ink, gold
patinated bronze
pen, ink and wash on paper
pencil on canson paper
photoglyphic engraving from a copper plate, from an original photograph by an unknown photographer in rome
plaster, bitumen (eyes)
polished and incised terracotta
polychrome painted enamel on copper, central medallion in polychrome limoges enamel
print, ink on paper
pure pigments and synthetic resin on paper mounted on canvas
red sandstone
rock crystal, blue sapphires, burmese rubies and emeralds, water steel blade
salt print from a calotype negative
salt print from a paper negative
salt print from a waxed calotype negative
salt print from an albumen on glass negative
salted paper print from a photogenic drawing
seashell, silver, gold, "cold" enamel
siliceous baked moulded bricks with polychrome glaze.
siliceous ceramic, blue painting under transparent glaze
siliceous ceramic, underglaze painting over a slip coating
silk, cotton, gold and silver threads
silver and steel
silver gelatin print
silver gilt
silver plate
silver plate, glass, wood
silver with metal inlays, wood
silver-plated bronze
silver-plated copper alloy
silver, traces of gilding
silver, wood, coral, onyx
stained wood, brass
steel inlaid with gold
steel with silver inlays, traces of gold
steel, glass crystals
steel, green nephrite, precious stones, gold
steel, iron and textile
steel, ivory, silver, bronze, gold
steel, jade, gold, emeralds, diamonds, agate
steel, white nephrite, precious stones, gold
stone, traces of paint
tempera on panel
tempera, gold, pastiglia on wood panel
turned ceramic, underglaze painting over a slip coating
vellum (calfskin)
vellum with 28 and 29 lines of text in dark brown ink and three roundels in red and blue ink; ink on parchment
vellum, ink, gold, silver, lapis lazuli
velvet, silver and polychrome silk threads
vermeil; silver gilt
wallpaper, paper collage, gesso, acrylic, printed canvas, heavy mold on tarp
watercolour on european laid paper
watercolour on ivory
watercolour on paper
waxed calotype negative
white marble
wood (beech tinted as walnut)
wood, black lacquer and gold
wood, coconut stipe, plant fibres, shells
wood, enamel on copper
wood, iron, copper
wood, ivory
wood, leather
wood, mastic, mother-of-pearl, fiber, pigment
wood, metal, plant fiber
wood, mirrors, fittings
wood, nails, iron
wood, natural pigments, plant fibers, feathers
wood, nephrite, coconut shell, fiber, tapa, shells
wood, painted decoration, gold
wood, pigment
wood, pigments
wood, silver
wood, tortoiseshell, mother-of-pearl, amber
wood, traces of paint
woodblock print (nishiki-e, egoyomi), vertical chuban
woodblock print (nishiki-e)
woodblock print (nishiki-e), uncut hosoban triptych on horizontal oban sheet
woodblock print (nishiki-e), vertical chuban
woodblock print (nishiki-e), vertical oban
wool, silk
wool, silk and threads of gold
عرض النتائج